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Group 1: Studies in Language & Literature

IB DP English/Spanish A Language and Literature SL
IB DP English/Spanish A Language and Literature SL2
This language and literature course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption.
The course is organized into four parts, each focused on the study of either literary or non-literary texts. Together, the four parts of the course allow the student to explore the English language through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and also the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy. Students study four works at standard level (SL) from a representative selection of genres, periods and places. 
This is a two-year course which meets the junior year and senior year English language arts credit requirements. Students who successfully complete SL 1 and SL 2 will earn two credits. 
This course is offered in both English A and Spanish A. Spanish A is the capstone course for students in the Dual Language Program.

IB DP English A Language and Literature HL1
IB DP English A Language and Literature HL
This language and literature course introduces the critical study and interpretation of written and spoken texts from a wide range of literary and non-literary genres. The formal analysis of texts is supplemented by awareness that meaning is not fixed but can change in respect to contexts of production and consumption. 
The course is organized into four parts, each focused on the study of either literary or non-literary texts. Together, the four parts of the course allow the student to explore the English language through its cultural development and use, its media forms and functions, and its literature. Students develop skills of literary and textual analysis, and also the ability to present their ideas effectively. A key aim is the development of critical literacy. Students study works at the higher level (HL) from a representative selection of genres, text types, periods and places. 
This is a two-year course which meets the junior year and senior year English language arts credit requirements. Students who successfully complete HL 1 and HL 2 will earn two credits.


Robert Bizjak
English A - SL1
English A - HL1

Sarah Denny
English A - SL2
English A - HL2

Manuel Vasquez Vasquez
Spanish A - SL1
Spanish A - HL1

Martha Mendez
Spanish A - SL2
Spanish A - HL2



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Language A : Language and Literature

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