Hillsboro High School
May Exams Info
- In the May 2022 exam session, 96 students took 213 exams.
- 56% of the coursework submitted (including IAs, Exams, and other EAs) met the threshold score of 4 to earn college credit at public universities in Oregon and Washington.
- 67% of students who took exams did so in more than one subject.
- 3 courses had 100% pass rate!
- All four Diploma Candidates earned their IB Diplomas!
IB Credits vs State College Credits
Google Classroom
Classroom Code: xvhnlak
Test in these classes:
English A: Language + Literature SL/HL 2
Spanish A: Language + Literature SL 2
Spanish ab initio SL
Spanish B SL
Spanish B HL 2
Japanese ab initio
Business Management SL
Global Politics SL
Psychology SL
History HL2
Biology SL
Physics SL 2
Math: AI SL 2
Math: AI HL 2
Math: AA SL 2
Math: AA HL 2
Theater SL2
Theater HL2