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Open Gyms

Current HS Students only: Wednesday, May 15th, 4-6pm, back gym

Current 8th graders/incoming freshman only: Wednesday, May 22nd 5-7pm, back gym

BOTH incoming freshman and current HS students: Wednesday, May 29th, 5-7pm, back gym


For open gyms, please wear comfortable athletic clothes (typically shorts and a t-shirt) and athletic shoes.  Please have hair pulled back, remove ALL jewelry and make sure nails are trimmed (nails cannot extend past the skin of the finger).


Parent/Cheerleader Interest Meeting - Wednesday 5/29, 7:30pm, location TBD
A cheerleader or parent must attend if you want to tryout!  I'll be discussing tryout details, expectations, costs, practice schedules, etc at the meeting, so it's important that you attend.



Practices - 6/3, 6/4, and 6/6 with tryouts on 6/7.  Times and details below!


Tryout Requirements:

  • All cheerleaders must be registered on SNAP to tryout.
    • If you need to complete a physical this year, you have until August.
  • Provide a copy of the cheerleader's most recent semester's grades
  • Complete and sign agreement included in tryout packet
  • Attend interest meeting - 5/29, 7:30pm
  • Attend tryout practices - 6/3, 6/4, and 6/6 from 6-8:30pm, back gym
  • Attend actual tryout: 6/7 4:30-9pm


Kristin Kinnie
Head Coach

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