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Contact Us

Support for Social Emotional Health If you need to talk to a counselor or need support from your counselor HSD website for social and emotional health supports

Check in with our Wellness Counselor- Aleja Graham Ubaldo Paz 

Check in with our Youth Contact Counselor- Daniela O'Sullivan

Reach out to your guidanccounselor who can connect you with more support: /Domain/541

Family and Community Resources If your family is in need of materials and supplies, support with technology, or just support in general.

Contact our Family Outreach Liaison- Miguel A. Cholula Hernandez

Request Technology If your student is in need of a Chromebook or internet access.

  • Please check out a Chromebook from our technology facilitator
  • We are now offering waivers for free Comcast essentials. For more information, please contact Miguel Cholula.

Technology Supports If your student is running into issues using their Chromebook and/or accessing Google classroom.

  • Students/parents can troubleshoot solutions here: Student Tech Support
  • Students/parents can call the HSD tech support line 503-844-1562 (en Español 503-844-1568) 
  • Students/parents can reach out
  • Student email MUST be viewed and sent from outlook, NOT from Google. Go to to check your email.

Academic Supports Students seeking support with their classes should do the following.

  • Attend office hours with their teacher or contact their teacher via email or Google classroom: Staff Directory
  • Connect with their grade level graduation coach or administrator: Administration